Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Cook for a week

I did this for the 1st time in a while. It's really easy to do.
Gather your cook books read through write down things your family likes to eat.
Pick out 7 recipes you would want to eat for supper for the week.
Write down everything you need to make them cross off anything you have already.
Go grocery shopping for what you dont have.
I like to make sure I have the whole day to cook
Usually on a day when hubby is around to wrangle the kids
or the two oldest are in school. 
Write down on top of your calendar " PREP DAY"
and pick another day as your "COOKING DAY"

If you are feeling even more ambitious you can go ahead and do the same
thing for breakfast and lunch.
There you go pretty easy when you plan before hand
now you have the rest of the week and night to chill with the kiddos.

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